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How Are We Doing? Customer Survey

Posted by The Kapoosh® Team on

Kapoosh SurveyIt's time for us to check in with you. We spend our days thinking about you, and what kind of information and content you might like to see. Our goal is for your experience with Kapoosh to always be a good one, and to make sure you can find everything you need, right here on our site. 

Take the Kapoosh customer survey to let us know how we're doing. We have just a few questions for you, making sure you're not having a hard time finding your way around, and that we have what you're looking for. How are you using your Kapoosh, and is there more you'd like to know about it? There will be a few questions about our emails, our blogs, and other marketing. Where and how do you prefer to receive your Kapoosh updates? 

At the end, we've left a blank where you can let us know if there is anything we forgot to ask about.