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The Battle Against Dry Winter Skin Starts in the Kitchen

Posted by The Kapoosh® Team on

hydrate to beat dry skin

When that summertime humidity finally goes away, it's a great feeling. Until you realize it's time for dry, itchy winter skin. When the air gets dryer, it can feel like a constant battle to keep your skin feeling hydrated. Parched skin is not only an annoyance; it can be painful if your skin starts cracking.

One of the most important solutions to this issues is in your kitchen right now, water, make sure you drink enough of it. Hydrating from the inside helps you stay hydrated on the outside. My kitchen sink is the ultimate dry skin solution center. I always keep a glass of water out on the counter to grab and refill as needed.

As much as drinking water can help hydrate you, all that had washing can dry your hands out. A bottle of lotion next to the sink can help you to replenish the moisture lost with each was of your hands. I like to stick with a simple cream, and avoid all the heavily scented stuff. If you are dealing with dry skin, you'll want the label to say things like "deep restoring" or "long-lasting moisture" and natural ingredients will help prevent skin irritation.

What's your secret to beating dry winter skin?